Worship has always been central to Bethel. Our worship is held each Sunday morning at 10:30 am.  We typically follow the Liturgical Calendar and the Revised Common Lectionary.

Our Worship Style

Our service is fairly traditional combining scripture, prayer, silence, the spoken word, and music. We use a variety of music including hymns, praise songs, spirituals, and contemporary gospel.

Our Music

Our musicians include our pianist, Ema Iwasaki; bass player, Bill Schart; and violist, Judson Casto.

Why We Worship

Our goal is to constantly grow as believers, improve our connection with God and each other. When a month has five Sundays, we hold worship around the tables, which includes the elements of worship mixed with a time of discussion – sometimes about current church happenings, sometimes about the scriptures included in that day’s worship. We follow worship with a carry-in dinner.


Special Services

Special services are held throughout the year, such as a Lenten series, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday, a Service of Hope and Healing, an Advent series, and a traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service.